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Braces Care on Vacation

Braces Care on Vacation

blond teenager on vacation wearing a sun hat and smiling with her braces

With summer right around the corner comes vacations spent on the beach, up in the mountains, or in any number of places that are not your house. However just because you are on vacation does not mean your braces care is as well. While you are on vacation, there are a few things to do to make sure you braces care is maintained.

The first step to maintaining your braces care while on vacation is to pack all the required tools to ensure you have everything you need with you. In addition to simply packing your toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste, you will need to bring extra essentials including: floss picks, mouthwash, orthodontic wax, extra rubber bands or elastics (if needed), over the counter painkillers, and a small mirror.

Once you have packed all your essentials and are out and about, the next thing you will need to do is pay attention to what you eat. Just because you are on vacation does not mean you can eat everything without consequences. Feel free to indulge, but be sure to not eat anything that could break your braces. These types of foods include: nuts, hard candies, corn on the cob, chewy or sticky candy, pretzels, bagels, ice, and hard fruits that have not been cut into smaller pieces.

Another thing you will need to do to continue your braces care while on vacation, is to keep up your oral hygiene routine. This means that you will need to rinse and brush your mouth after every snack or meal. After eating, rinse your mouth with mouthwash or water to loosen and remove large food particles. Once you’re done rinsing, brush your teeth taking special care to get around all the brackets to remove any remaining food particles.

In addition to brushing after meals or snacks, you will need to continue to brush twice a day and floss once a day. This is to ensure that your teeth are remaining as clean as they can be so you don’t risk developing cavities. While it may be tempting to skip a brushing or flossing, doing so can have negative effects. Be sure that you leave time in your vacation routine to adequately take care of your teeth.

Finally, before leaving out-of-town for any period of time, be sure to schedule a visit with your orthodontist. One final visit before your vacation can help to ensure all your brackets and wires are in the appropriate place and will minimize any possible complications. You can also stock up on braces supplies and make sure you have everything you need.

Making a pre-vacation appointment is especially important if you plan on being gone for an extended period of time. Depending on the length of your trip, certain adjustments may need to be made to keep your teeth progressing in the correct way.

Getting ready for an exciting summer vacation? Schedule your pre-vacation appointment today and we’ll make sure you have everything you need!

Have a question? Contact us today.

2825 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 101
Santa Monica, CA 90404
PhonePh: 310-888-1885